Preparing Theo Baker for Ironman Success: From Testing to Race Day Nutrition

For a couple of years now i’ve been proud to support Theo Baker with his nutrition as he made strides into becoming an endurance athlete! As Theo Baker gears up for his next Ironman, we’ve left no stone unturned in preparing him to perform at his best. From testing fuel utilisation and hydration strategies to optimising his nutrition, our goal is to support Theo in every phase of his journey. Here’s a deep dive into how we've tailored his hydration, race-day fuelling, and recovery strategies to get him across the finish line faster and stronger.

Testing & Data Collection: Building a Strong Foundation

To ensure Theo has a competitive edge, our approach started with a robust data collection process. I’ve worked with Theo before and already had solid data on his VO2 max, giving us a clear idea of his aerobic capacity baseline. This time around, we wanted to focus on race-day conditions, so we conducted steady-state tests at race intensity.

By utilising gas analysis, we were able to gather accurate data on fuel utilisation, understanding how Theo’s body uses carbs and fats at different intensities. These insights will be critical for his race-day fuelling plan.

In addition to gas analysis, we carried out sweat tests to measure Theo's sweat losses during these intensities. Our goal is to keep his body water losses below 2%, which is vital to maintaining performance over such a long event. Previous testing had also revealed the amount of sodium Theo loses in sweat, helping us fine-tune his electrolyte needs for race day.

Carb Loading: Fuel For The Work Required

For endurance athletes like Theo, carb loading is essential to ensure glycogen stores are fully saturated before race day. We’ve designed a 3-day staggered carb loading strategy for Theo to maximise his energy reserves without risking digestive issues.

  • Three days out, we increased Theo’s carb intake slightly to get his digestive system accustomed to higher food volumes.

  • Two days before the race, he will consume a minimum of 8g of carbs per kg of body weight.

  • The day before the race, Theo will increase this to at least 10g/kg, focusing on low-GI carbs that are easy to digest and won’t upset his stomach.

We chose easy-to-consume, low-GI carbohydrates that Theo has used in previous training sessions to minimise the risk of gut discomfort. Ensuring his digestive system was prepared for race day was as important as the carb load itself!

Hydration Strategy: Keeping Fluid Loss in Check

Hydration is as crucial as fuelling for endurance athletes, especially in an Ironman event. From our previous testing, we know Theo’s sweat rates and have tailored his hydration strategy accordingly. We’ve ensured that his fluid losses stay below 2% throughout the race.

Similar to his fuelling plan, the bike leg offers more opportunities for fluid intake, so we’re focusing on getting the bulk of his hydration needs in during that stage. At transition stations, we’ll also monitor his fluid intake and make any necessary adjustments.

Theo will use electrolytes to replace what he loses per liter of sweat, which will help maintain his sodium levels and prevent cramping. The night before the race and on the morning of, we’re also preloading with electrolytes to ensure his body is primed for the challenge ahead. Simple hydration checks, like the color of his urine, will help confirm that Theo is entering the race properly hydrated.

Race Day Fuelling: Precision Nutrition for Peak Performance

Thanks to our steady-state testing, we had a solid understanding of Theo’s fuel utilisation at race intensity, allowing us to set precise targets for his race-day nutrition.

For a sub-6 hour finish, Theo’s carb intake is set to around 100g of carbs per hour. However, the type of activity plays a key role in how we structure his intake:

  • On the bike, where digestion is easier due to less jostling, we’ve targeted around 120g of carbs per hour.

  • During the run, we’ve lowered this slightly to 90g per hour to ensure optimal absorption while still supporting his energy needs.

To maximize absorption, we’ve chosen products that contain both glucose and fructose. Theo will alternate between energy chews, gels, and liquid sources, ensuring he gets a steady stream of carbs throughout the race. Additionally, Theo has tested these products during training, so we know they work well for him, particularly his ability to handle gels on the run.

We’re also adding caffeine to his race-day strategy which is more beneficial in conjunction with carbs than carbs alone. Theo will take caffeine both before the race and towards the end of the bike leg to give him an extra mental and physical boost. Again this will be in a form he knows as we want to do NOTHING NEW on Race Day.

Post-Race Recovery: Refuel, Rehydrate, Repair, and Relax

A well-executed recovery strategy is just as important as race-day performance, especially for endurance athletes. For Theo, we’re following a 3-phase recovery protocol that focuses on the 4 R’s: Rehydrate, Refuel, Repair, and Rest.

  • Phase 1 begins immediately after crossing the finish line. We’ll focus on rehydrating Theo, refuelling with carbohydrates, and repairing muscle tissue with protein. Liquid forms of nutrition are prioritized in this phase as they are easier to digest when the body is fatigued.

  • Phase 2 takes place 1-2 hours post-race, with a more solid but still easy-to-digest meal. This will be high in carbs and protein, with some low-fiber fruits and vegetables for added micronutrients.

  • Phase 3 happens around 3-4 hours after the race. By this time, Theo has earned his big post-race meal! While it’s important to celebrate, we’ll still be prioritising nutrient-dense foods like colourful fruits and vegetables, along with plenty of protein to support muscle recovery.

Ready for Race Day

By focusing on data-driven testing, customised fuelling, hydration, and a strong recovery strategy, Theo is ready to tackle his next Ironman with confidence. Every athlete is unique, and we’ve tailored this plan specifically to Theo’s needs, ensuring he is set up for success from start to finish.

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